7 Good Reasons to Choose Age Impulse

You want to regain control of your health but do not know which activity to choose ? (*) ?

If you haven’t practiced in years, start with a moderate and adapted activity

Every activity has its benefits

Choosing Age impulse
  • Walking to work smoothly all the muscles of the body and prevent osteoporosis. Gentle walking, fast walking, Nordic walking (with two sticks), hiking, etc. are physical activities accessible to all 
  • The race to work the breath, improve blood circulation and preserve from the muscular loss. Like walking, but at a larger scale, this helps to fight osteoporosis by increasing bone density
  • Water aerobics to maintain muscle and respiratory tone
  • Swimming to work endurance and all the muscles of the body preserving its joints
  • The bike, good for the heart and joints
  • The gym (Pilates) for gentle muscle building
  • Yoga for balance, flexibility and relaxation. It also reduces insomnia, stabilizes blood pressure and reduces pain associated with osteoarthritis
  • The Tai Chi Chuang to tone, work his breathing and soften the body gently
  • Dance for balance, coordination, breath and memory
  • Archery to work on its strength, concentration and coordination…
  • Golf that has the advantage of combining the benefits of walking with work on coordination and concentration

To make your choice, two tips:

  • The activity that’s right for you is the one you love! And if you don’t know which one to choose, try several: you’ll sort it out later!
  • The activity that suits you is the one that you can do, i.e. that corresponds to your physical capacity today.

What precautions should be taken to get back to physical activity?

Health check-up

If you have not done physical or sports activities for years, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor to perform a health check,including:

  • A heart assessment including an electrocardiogram and a stress test
  • A bone and joint check-up

Based on your assessment, your doctor will be able to guide you in choosing the activity that best suits you.

Do your joints hurt? Are you overweight? It is better to avoid intensive walking, dancing or golf and prefer softer sports for joints such as swimming, aquagym, cycling or Tai Chi Chuang.

Suitable sports equipment

Most sports require equipment. Choose it seriously so that it fits your body shape and level perfectly. To do this, do not hesitate to ask a specialist of the store visited but also your coach within the club or association where you practice the activity.

Food and hydration

  • Before each activity session, don’t forget to drink. Do not start any activity in the morning on an empty stomach. A balanced diet, especially carbohydrates, is recommended.
  • During the session, do not forget to continue to keep hydrating.
  • After the session: drink and eat something if you feel weak.
7 Good Reasons to Choose Age Impulse

Signs that should alert you

Consult your doctor promptly in case of:

  • Pain in the chest or abnormal shortness of breath from exercise
  • Heart palpitations occurring during exercise or just after exercise
  • Discomfort occurring at the effort or just after the effort

7 good reasons to choose AGE IMPULSE

  • MET-Impulse democratizes Pr. Billat’s laboratory method, which has proved its efficiency with high-level athletes, but also for young and not so young seniors; the late Robert Marchand, amateur cyclist, world record holder at 105 years old, being the most striking example. The method is based on 200 international publications and 30 years of scientific and field research by Professor Billat.
  • The solution is adapted to most people (walking and / or running) and can be practiced with another activity or sport. Thanks to our Assessment, choosing what is best between Walking or Running will be a piece of cake.
  • It is financially accessible to the greatest number.
  • Age Impulse revolutionizes connected health by launching a mobile solution which puts a powerful new metric (VO2max) into people’s hands. It is a widely accepted scientific indicator of autonomous ageing, a powerful aggregate indicator or your cardiovascular, respiratory, and muscular condition. It allows a relevant and simpler tracking of fitness and progress than the total steps per day, heart rate, or hours of sleep!
  • The App will assess your fitness level and provides you with a personalized and evolving set of exercises, powered by AI, which can be integrated into your daily life (walking/ running/ climbing stairs, three 30-min weekly sessions). Since they are based on your individual perception of effort, it will help you reconnect with your senses and safely take control of your health and fitness!
  • At Age Impulse we will reward your efforts. You will earn credits as you exercise regularly, improve your fitness level, or take part in our community challenges. You will then benefit from unique discounts on our monthly subscription, “à la carte” sessions with a coach or receive gifts from our partners.
  • If you are keen on human contact, you will be able to receive advice from highly qualified coaches.

(*) : https://www.mma.fr/zeroblabla/comment-reprendre-sport-retraite.html

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